My Teaching Pages:
Burlington High School Art Department
Teacher: Mojdeh Kazem
Course Title and Number: Sculpture I
Room: 414
Grades 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite – Design or a Foundation art course highly recommended
5 per/wk – 5 credits
Full year course
I. Course Overview
Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork using varieties of materials. You will develop your technical skills in handbuilding and a variety of other techniques. You will explore traditional and contemporary approaches in sculpture making. Sculpture projects will involve you in constructing, carving, modeling, casting, and assembling. You will create personal, individualized work using materials that may include paper, wood, clay, soft materials, plaster, and wire or other metals.
II. Successful Learning
III. 21st Century Learning Expectations
Consistent with the school’s mission and 21st Century Learning Skills, Art & Design students are engaged in modes of artistic and creative expression and critical thinking every day. They are presented with extensive opportunities for growth in creating, presenting, responding, and connecting. Students are encouraged to develop skills that teach them accountability, adaptability and tenacity in their academic, social, and civic interactions. Students will work both independently and collaboratively to solve artistic and conceptual problems, acquiring skills to generate their own questions and investigate independent topics of interest related to the concepts being taught. They will synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art, and they will convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. Students will apply a variety of problem-solving strategies, which may involve generating and conceptualizing artistic ideas through writing or brainstorming; organizing and developing these ideas through drafting, revising, and refining for presentation; working spontaneously and experimentally; and processing feedback from peers.
Students will participate in a classroom environment where they are nurtured to act with integrity in all academic endeavors and to exhibit respect for themselves and empathy for others. They will learn to speak honestly and respectfully to classmates and respect their opinions in discussions and in group critiques of student work. They will interpret meaning and intent in artistic work, and they will use the vocabulary of art in a way that demonstrates informed, critical decision-making, applying criteria to evaluate artistic work. They will exhibit responsible citizenship by maintaining their tools and work space; assisting and serving as resources for classmates; and considering the relevance of art in a local, global and digital society. Students will relate their artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding, studying the work of famous artists and artwork from different cultures and eras.
As a student in this course, you will be expected to:
These expectations align with the school’s mission statement.
IV. Expected Outcomes
By the completion of the Ceramics and Sculpture I course, successful students will be able to:
V. Topics/ Content
Main Topics of Discussion and Skill-Building:
Essential Questions:
Media (Materials and Techniques) may include:
Communication and Reflection: Critiques and Journal
Critiques of in-class projects and homework are an important and regular part of the course. You will have the opportunity to look at and discuss your own artwork and the work of your peers during teacher-guided group critiques.
You will also be asked to write about your work and/or the work of your peers in your journals or Google Docs.
You will reflect on, share your thoughts on, and ask and answer questions about your own work and the work of your peers so that you will all create stronger and stronger work.
The instructor will also discuss your work individually with you and provide feedback at least every few days. Upon request, you may receive further individualized instruction and assessment during the instructor’s prep periods and after school.
VI. Assessing Progress
Types of Assessment:
Your grade will be determined primarily by your active participation in class activities (10%), successful completion of workshops (15%), the satisfactory completion of studio projects (55%), and the successful completion of research studio projects (%20).
Grading Criteria:
You generally will be graded on a combination of concept, design, technical quality, and personal investment/work habits.
Consideration may also be given to:
These are the tools we use to measure your success:
VII. Classroom Expectations
Artistic Integrity and Plagiarism
As in all other courses in our school, no form of cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated. For any infraction of cheating or plagiarism (including the first), the student will receive a zero on the assignment or assessment, and parents/guardians will be notified, as per the student handbook. The definition of plagiarism is “to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own.” Please note that plagiarism includes all forms of stealing words or ideas, including copying from books, web sites, or each other.
So what does this look like in the art room?
The benefits and desirability of working from direct observation and direct personal experience will be stressed throughout the course, and many of our class projects will be focused on working “from life” to help build your skills and understanding in this area. Artwork is to be unique and original. Images produced by others (drawings, paintings, even photographs) are the property of those artists and cannot be claimed as your own.
There are however special circumstances that govern the use of “appropriated images”, and these we will discuss as issues present themselves, but before you turn in a project that includes them. Any work that makes use of (appropriates) photographs, published images, and/or the work of someone else must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This is demonstrated through manipulation of the materials, processes, and/or ideas of the source. The student’s individual vision should be clearly evident. It is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law simply to copy someone else’s work or imagery (even in another medium) and represent it as one’s own.
Our rule of thumb is: ask or discuss before you turn in work that uses images not created by your own hand. In general, use of these “pre-existing images” (such as a drawn copy of a professional photograph) would not be acceptable.
Artistic integrity is something we will discuss throughout the course. In discussions, in your journal entries, and in other regular documentation of your creative processes, you will have the opportunity to identify and describe your sources of inspiration, your influences, and how you have used them to make something truly your own. You are encouraged to keep a “scrapbook” section in your sketchbook, pasting in your influences and inspirations with notes.
References and Resources:
Students are encouraged to investigate a variety of creative art and design resources to enhance their aesthetic understanding and generate possibilities for investigation. You can do this by digging into the large collection of art reproductions in our classroom, through books and magazines, visits to museums, and online. Visiting the websites of particular artists and designers can provide an in-depth understanding of influences, inspiration, and process. We will often refer to, read from, and view and discuss artwork from Google Arts & Culture, where there is so much to see! Try the “Explore” button, where you can use the Art Camera to zoom into famous master paintings, experience culture in 360 degrees, and tour the world’s greatest museums and other landmarks using “Street View”. Or choose categories to discover the most well-known artists and masterworks in history.
We may view and discuss short videos on contemporary artists and designers from sources such as Art 21: Art in the 21st Century, Visual Art, and PBS Learning Media: Visual Art.
For a longer and richer list of helpful online resources, visit the BHS Art & Design Resources Page at
We will dig into many of these resources in class, but I encourage you to explore them on your own as well.
VIII. Homework/Make-up Policy
Homework may take the form of research of an idea for a project; drafts/drawings in your sketchbook, or reading and responding to a sculpture-related article.
If you are absent on the day a project or other assignment is due, you are expected to turn in your work on your first day back to school.
Since homework assignments are generally projects that are given a few days in advance, if you are absent on the day a homework project is assigned, you will be expected to turn the project in on its due date.
In the event of a long absence, you will be given time equivalent to the number of days absent to make up the work, unless you request an extension well before the due date, and it is approved by the instructor.
You will likely not be given extensions for work missed due to family vacations outside of the school calendar.
IX. Additional Information
I encourage students to seek extra help whenever they feel they are falling behind. I will always arrange a time to sit down with you if you ask.
Please feel free to contact me at my school email or by phone at 781-270-1984.
I can usually be found in Rooms 414 or 416.
BHS Art website
These course expectations, other documents, and much more information important for your success in this course will be found on the “teacher pages” at the following link:
(Click on “Ceramics & Sculpture I”)
You will be expected to access this site on a regular basis, so please bookmark it on your iPad or laptop and home computer.
What you will need:
Burlington High School Art Department
Teacher: Mojdeh Kazem
Course Title and Number: Sculpture I
Room: 414
Grades 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite – Design or a Foundation art course highly recommended
5 per/wk – 5 credits
Full year course
I. Course Overview
Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork using varieties of materials. You will develop your technical skills in handbuilding and a variety of other techniques. You will explore traditional and contemporary approaches in sculpture making. Sculpture projects will involve you in constructing, carving, modeling, casting, and assembling. You will create personal, individualized work using materials that may include paper, wood, clay, soft materials, plaster, and wire or other metals.
II. Successful Learning
- LOOK carefully at things. Understand the importance of observation and reflection.
- Appreciate and respect the process of art-making.
- Ask questions.
- Challenge yourself. – If there seems to be a simple solution, push yourself to find a more creative one.
- Experiment. Take risks with your art.
- Be open to suggestions.
- Be aware of how other artists solve similar problems.
- Make productive use of your time.
- Be willing to rework an assignment.
- Complete approximately many major artworks.
- Remember that you are working on unique, original solutions to visual problems..
- Take advantage of your sketchbook and draw independently and often.
- Visit museums and galleries (in person or online)
- Look at art in books and magazines.
III. 21st Century Learning Expectations
Consistent with the school’s mission and 21st Century Learning Skills, Art & Design students are engaged in modes of artistic and creative expression and critical thinking every day. They are presented with extensive opportunities for growth in creating, presenting, responding, and connecting. Students are encouraged to develop skills that teach them accountability, adaptability and tenacity in their academic, social, and civic interactions. Students will work both independently and collaboratively to solve artistic and conceptual problems, acquiring skills to generate their own questions and investigate independent topics of interest related to the concepts being taught. They will synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art, and they will convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. Students will apply a variety of problem-solving strategies, which may involve generating and conceptualizing artistic ideas through writing or brainstorming; organizing and developing these ideas through drafting, revising, and refining for presentation; working spontaneously and experimentally; and processing feedback from peers.
Students will participate in a classroom environment where they are nurtured to act with integrity in all academic endeavors and to exhibit respect for themselves and empathy for others. They will learn to speak honestly and respectfully to classmates and respect their opinions in discussions and in group critiques of student work. They will interpret meaning and intent in artistic work, and they will use the vocabulary of art in a way that demonstrates informed, critical decision-making, applying criteria to evaluate artistic work. They will exhibit responsible citizenship by maintaining their tools and work space; assisting and serving as resources for classmates; and considering the relevance of art in a local, global and digital society. Students will relate their artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural and historical context to deepen understanding, studying the work of famous artists and artwork from different cultures and eras.
As a student in this course, you will be expected to:
- Apply a variety of problem-solving strategies.
- Art requires much thought. You will be learning many ways to approach art-making. Some will involve writing your ideas; some will involve rough drafts; some will involve working spontaneously and experimentally; some will involve receiving and evaluating feedback from peers.
- Art requires much thought. You will be learning many ways to approach art-making. Some will involve writing your ideas; some will involve rough drafts; some will involve working spontaneously and experimentally; some will involve receiving and evaluating feedback from peers.
- Write effectively
- in your journal and in written critiques of artwork.
- in your journal and in written critiques of artwork.
- Communicate orally
- by sharing your ideas with the class and discussing the work of others. You will be expected to use the vocabulary of art (including reference to the elements and principles of art) in a way that demonstrates informed, critical decision-making.
- by sharing your ideas with the class and discussing the work of others. You will be expected to use the vocabulary of art (including reference to the elements and principles of art) in a way that demonstrates informed, critical decision-making.
- Read critically
- from magazine articles on famous artists, and when working on an art history research project.
- from magazine articles on famous artists, and when working on an art history research project.
- Demonstrate self-control and respect for all individuals.
- Speak honestly and respectfully to your classmates and respect their voice and their opinions in discussions and group critiques.
- Speak honestly and respectfully to your classmates and respect their voice and their opinions in discussions and group critiques.
- Pursue and participate in modes of artistic and creative expression EVERY DAY.
- Exhibit responsible citizenship.
- Be responsible for your tools and your workspace; assist your classmates when needed; consider how you can reach out to the rest of the school and your community with your art.
- Be responsible for your tools and your workspace; assist your classmates when needed; consider how you can reach out to the rest of the school and your community with your art.
These expectations align with the school’s mission statement.
IV. Expected Outcomes
By the completion of the Ceramics and Sculpture I course, successful students will be able to:
- Effectively use and discuss the basic elements and principles of three dimensional design.
- Demonstrate a facility with a wide range of art tools, materials, and techniques.
- Demonstrate an exploratory attitude and approach to art-making.
- Properly maintain art tools and materials.
- Take proper safety precautions.
- Communicate ideas and feelings through art.
- Communicate orally and in writing about your own artwork and the work of others.
- Analyze, discuss, and be inspired by the works of other artists (from our own and other times; from our own and other cultures).
- Solve problems using critical and creative thinking.
- Exercise self-discipline, self-reliance, and self-motivation.
- Demonstrate an appreciation of the roles art can play in your life and in the world.
- Develop an increasingly high level of craftsmanship.
- Help to foster a sense of community and collaboration.
- Create a substantial body of hand-built work
- Create an exhibit of your best work.
- Prepare your work for display in an exhibit.
- Take advantage of the opportunities to participate in presentations by artists, art school representatives, and field trips.
- Meet personal artistic goals.
V. Topics/ Content
Main Topics of Discussion and Skill-Building:
- The Elements and Principles of Art as they relate to three-dimensional artwork
- Form and function
- Symmetry and asymmetry
- Skill with different methods and materials
- Famous and important art and artists
- Creative thinking and generating ideas
- Making Meaning - Visual communication and personal expression
- Studio Habits of Mind
- Design-thinking - Visual problem-solving, planning, and process
- Reflection, analysis, and critique
Essential Questions:
- What makes good art good? What does “Quality” look like?
- What is art, anyway? What makes something art?
- How do you see the elements of design in ceramics and other sculpture?
- How can an artwork express an idea or emotion?
- How do I build a strong portfolio?
- What kinds of ideas and questions inspire me?
- From where can I look for inspiration as an artist?
- What are the options available to me as an artist?
- What informs why, how, and what artists and designers make?
- How do artists and designers make works of art and design?
- Why and how do artists and designers present their work to viewers?
Media (Materials and Techniques) may include:
- Construction (Cardboard, Foamboard, Found Objects)
- Modeling (clay)
- Carving (Wood, Clay/ Plaster)
- Assemblage (Found Objects)
- Other sculpture techniques
Communication and Reflection: Critiques and Journal
Critiques of in-class projects and homework are an important and regular part of the course. You will have the opportunity to look at and discuss your own artwork and the work of your peers during teacher-guided group critiques.
You will also be asked to write about your work and/or the work of your peers in your journals or Google Docs.
You will reflect on, share your thoughts on, and ask and answer questions about your own work and the work of your peers so that you will all create stronger and stronger work.
The instructor will also discuss your work individually with you and provide feedback at least every few days. Upon request, you may receive further individualized instruction and assessment during the instructor’s prep periods and after school.
VI. Assessing Progress
Types of Assessment:
- Class Activities
- Workshops
- Studio Projects
- Sketchbook
- Written assignments (such as self-assessments, written peer critiques, and analysis of professional artworks)
- Participation in critiques and other discussions and group activities
- Presentations
- Participation in the art exhibition
- Tests and Exams
Your grade will be determined primarily by your active participation in class activities (10%), successful completion of workshops (15%), the satisfactory completion of studio projects (55%), and the successful completion of research studio projects (%20).
Grading Criteria:
You generally will be graded on a combination of concept, design, technical quality, and personal investment/work habits.
Consideration may also be given to:
- Research of ideas; concept development
- Strength and clarity of concept
- Strength of design
- Technical proficiency (skill)
- Presentation
- Understanding demonstrated in discussion and writing
- Class participation
- Specific criteria for each assignment
These are the tools we use to measure your success:
VII. Classroom Expectations
- School rules from the Student Handbook apply
- Get to class on time
- Use your time productively.
- ALWAYS get permission before leaving the classroom.
- Attendance is critical to success in this program.
- Studio time and group critique time cannot be replicated at home.
- Poor attendance will have a direct bearing on your grade.
- Studio time and group critique time cannot be replicated at home.
- Cell phones are to be turned OFF at all times when in class. Exceptions may be granted IN ADVANCE by the instructor for course-related work and emergencies. The instructor has the right to confiscate the cell phone if this rule is not respected.
- Clean up your work area at the end of each class. Students MUST clean their work spaces at the end of each period.
- ** Art classes will use Google Classroom, Google Drive, and teacher websites that can be found on the BHS Art & Design homepage.
Artistic Integrity and Plagiarism
As in all other courses in our school, no form of cheating or plagiarism will be tolerated. For any infraction of cheating or plagiarism (including the first), the student will receive a zero on the assignment or assessment, and parents/guardians will be notified, as per the student handbook. The definition of plagiarism is “to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own.” Please note that plagiarism includes all forms of stealing words or ideas, including copying from books, web sites, or each other.
So what does this look like in the art room?
The benefits and desirability of working from direct observation and direct personal experience will be stressed throughout the course, and many of our class projects will be focused on working “from life” to help build your skills and understanding in this area. Artwork is to be unique and original. Images produced by others (drawings, paintings, even photographs) are the property of those artists and cannot be claimed as your own.
There are however special circumstances that govern the use of “appropriated images”, and these we will discuss as issues present themselves, but before you turn in a project that includes them. Any work that makes use of (appropriates) photographs, published images, and/or the work of someone else must show substantial and significant development beyond duplication. This is demonstrated through manipulation of the materials, processes, and/or ideas of the source. The student’s individual vision should be clearly evident. It is unethical, constitutes plagiarism, and often violates copyright law simply to copy someone else’s work or imagery (even in another medium) and represent it as one’s own.
Our rule of thumb is: ask or discuss before you turn in work that uses images not created by your own hand. In general, use of these “pre-existing images” (such as a drawn copy of a professional photograph) would not be acceptable.
Artistic integrity is something we will discuss throughout the course. In discussions, in your journal entries, and in other regular documentation of your creative processes, you will have the opportunity to identify and describe your sources of inspiration, your influences, and how you have used them to make something truly your own. You are encouraged to keep a “scrapbook” section in your sketchbook, pasting in your influences and inspirations with notes.
References and Resources:
Students are encouraged to investigate a variety of creative art and design resources to enhance their aesthetic understanding and generate possibilities for investigation. You can do this by digging into the large collection of art reproductions in our classroom, through books and magazines, visits to museums, and online. Visiting the websites of particular artists and designers can provide an in-depth understanding of influences, inspiration, and process. We will often refer to, read from, and view and discuss artwork from Google Arts & Culture, where there is so much to see! Try the “Explore” button, where you can use the Art Camera to zoom into famous master paintings, experience culture in 360 degrees, and tour the world’s greatest museums and other landmarks using “Street View”. Or choose categories to discover the most well-known artists and masterworks in history.
We may view and discuss short videos on contemporary artists and designers from sources such as Art 21: Art in the 21st Century, Visual Art, and PBS Learning Media: Visual Art.
For a longer and richer list of helpful online resources, visit the BHS Art & Design Resources Page at
We will dig into many of these resources in class, but I encourage you to explore them on your own as well.
VIII. Homework/Make-up Policy
Homework may take the form of research of an idea for a project; drafts/drawings in your sketchbook, or reading and responding to a sculpture-related article.
If you are absent on the day a project or other assignment is due, you are expected to turn in your work on your first day back to school.
Since homework assignments are generally projects that are given a few days in advance, if you are absent on the day a homework project is assigned, you will be expected to turn the project in on its due date.
In the event of a long absence, you will be given time equivalent to the number of days absent to make up the work, unless you request an extension well before the due date, and it is approved by the instructor.
You will likely not be given extensions for work missed due to family vacations outside of the school calendar.
IX. Additional Information
I encourage students to seek extra help whenever they feel they are falling behind. I will always arrange a time to sit down with you if you ask.
Please feel free to contact me at my school email or by phone at 781-270-1984.
I can usually be found in Rooms 414 or 416.
BHS Art website
These course expectations, other documents, and much more information important for your success in this course will be found on the “teacher pages” at the following link:
(Click on “Ceramics & Sculpture I”)
You will be expected to access this site on a regular basis, so please bookmark it on your iPad or laptop and home computer.
What you will need:
- A sketchbook - 11" x 14", at least 60 lb. paper weight
- A set of drawing pencils (HB to 6B) and an eraser (pink, kneaded, or both) (for homework)
- (Recommended) A set of color drawing materials (color pencils, pastel, or markers) for homework.